Here are just a few of my lizards.
He is quick, and mean. He will bite you if he had
the chance. I have learned how to get out of a
bite without damage to the skin. I have the
chance here to learn about these animals. I am
He knows that I like having them in the house.
Sometimes at night he makes noises and it just
goes with the sound of the crickets so well. My
me is that I didn't know that they absorbed the
water through there skin. I found out that they
will be dry one minute and the next they become
wet. I did not know why this was happening until
I saw that they were eating their skin. Gross. They
do like to bury them selves and can stay under the
dirt for several days. I have to dig them out sometimes
to make sure they are not dead.
Some say that they cause warts, well I have been
handling them for 4 years and have not recieved
actually came out.