Every mans fantasy.

What men really call us behind our backs.

Yeah I can see the problem. This tooth right here has to go.

Way too cute.

Time out.

Kiss me already.

These guys are way too adorable. I enjoy taking picture of animals. They do not complain about what shot you get them at.

104 outside and still smiling.

Now this is one of my FAVORITE rides. I remember riding this one when I was in the fifth grade at this same fair. Friends and I would go in pick our spot and when the ride began to go fast we would turn upside down. We would laugh at each other as their faces would go from white to bright red. I would never had expected my boys to go on this one.......

But they did. I wanted to go with them to see if I could still turn upside down but it was us three and honestly I did not trust my bag with the ride handler. So I had to sit this one out. I wanted to see their faces after the ride and missed the chance to see it during it.

My little man's growing up.

Logan is really catching up to Tristan. I wonder if he will be the taller one. I just cannot beleive that they are growing up so fast. Where has the time gone.

Jeeve's just one more time around the park.

Gentlemen, ready, set, go.
Okay so just a little run down on this day. Tristan, Logan, and I went to the Fair last Tuesday. It was hot and I did not really want to go but hey I also did not want to miss out on it either. The ticket prices were not the only thing high, but the food and drink as well. The boys rode what ever rides they wanted to, they played a few games and then it was time to go inside and cool off. We saw some animals, the pigs are my favorite. Tristan really liked the sheep. Logan just asked question after question and we were even asked if we wanted to purchase a sheep or else she was going to the slaughter house. Yeah I have a decent size backyard but if I brought home a sheep then I would probably be outside with it. So I had to decline the offer, or at least until we get a bigger house with more land attached to it. Continuing on we saw some eggs hatching inot chicks and some bees busy at work making honey.
After a quick cool off we went out of the wing to go and get rid of the remainder of the ride tickets. We even won some prizes for everyone. The night came to an end and it was time to go home. The end of our evening was a nice dinner at Olive Garden and then home to tell Chris how everything went and to give him his prize. A stewie doll.
Wait until next year, maybe Morgyn will be able to go and ride the rides. I know she will have a blast.