Monday, March 17, 2008


I know that this site was suppose to be about my writing's, but I have not been able to commit to it. I have decided to share some of my writing's when I get to it, and have to decided to share my family with you. My children, husband and my many animals. I also will share some of my crafts. I am in the midest of making two bird houses. I am hoping to finish them before the end of April. I still have to finish a blanket and many other things I have started but not finished. I am growing tired of TV and am hoping to stop watching the unnecessary shows. Let us see if I can finish the two books, The Other Boelyn Girl and Wicked, during my trip. I am not going to bring some crafts, just the books and some paper. I hope to be inspired to write alittle.

Roxanne and Payton

Just another picture to choose from for the fair this summer. I could not resist this one, I am even shocked that I got it. I guess the good shots come when you at least expect it.
Look at that sweet face. This dog is a greedy one. She takes Roxy's bone when she has one of her own. She has even been know to take Saber's away from him. brave little booger. She is our tunnel rat and sneaks under the blankets when it is time for bed. She is a licker and loves to give you kiss after kiss, but becareful she also likes to steal Morgyn's dirty diapers and has been known to take a snack from the kitty litter. YUCK!!!!

This is a occassion when you see Roxy with a bone to chew on. She is a momma's dog mostly, but she has her moments when Chris is her favorite. She lays in between our legs and snores really, really, loud. Chris says she takes after me. She is of fond of trying certain human food but will stop to eat cat food. She also shares in the dirty diapers and sometimes the kitty litter. I wonder why dogs do that, I guess it is something to look up, that and veggie fetishes.

More of the Pretty Little Princess

She is so Beautiful.
How can you not love this face? She loves her blocks. This is her latest toy craze.

Always looking to have her picture taken, but only when she wants it.

Look at that smile.

What can you say about Morgyn. She is still in her terrible stages, but she is moving slowly onto her I want to do it stage. She makes you laugh, but then again she frustrates you as well.

Another Winter Storm

So there was another winter storm that hit us Friday March 7th. This was not a good day because Chris went to the doctor's and then he was trasported to the hospital by ambulance before the storm started to get bad. They were advising us not to drive in it so I was stuck at home with the kids and could not get out to the hospital to see Chris. The next day was not as bad, at least the kids did not have school. They were still advising people to onle travel if necessary. I had to make an emergency trip to Wal-Mart because Logan threw up and we needed new sheets and comforter for their bed. You could tell that the mess wwas not going to come out, the smell neither. Chris is fine and got out of the hospital that Wednesday. My driving in the weather was okay, slid once and also most tail ended a truck, luckily no one was in the other lane. Logan cut his had pretty good when trying to go for some snow, he slipped on some ice in the hospital parking lot. Other than that the snow did not stay long, but it was fun while it lasted.
Playset in the backyard covered, look at all of the dog tracks.
Another shot of the backyard.

A front yard tree.

Look at al of that snow.
Payton was not too fond of the snow, she looked like a snow bunny hopping through it.

Roxy on the other had loved the snow.

Other dogs having fun in the snow. Wiggles always chases Saber and bites on the backs of his legs.
They are so cute here.

Almost looks like they are eating the snow.

Tristan being goofy.
Look at that face.

I can not believe how big Saber has gotten. I never thought he would be this big. At least he is a good guard dog, I feel sorry for someone who comes in the backyard. My brother got a taste of what Saber has to offer. I can not wait until I get to take him out in the spring/summer. It is going to be so fun to have him as a walking buddy.

Sunday, March 2, 2008


Pretty Little Princess

Can you believe that a pretty little thing like this is a trouble maker. She is way to cute to get mad at. Here she is showing off her new "PINK" pajamas.

My Miss Piggy

So let me tell you about this cat, if I have not already. Here name is Miss Piggy and she earned her name well. I was working at Caesars Riverboat in Indiana and I had just gotten off shift. I was walking out with a slot tech. We passed by the garage heading to the back 40 when we heard a loud screech, I turned to see what it was but could not. The slot tech said "Look there is a small black cat", me being the animal lover was like oooohhhh. He said "You want to catch it", "Sure." So we chased it down, me being a couple months pregnant crawling around a parked car looking for the cat. It was up in the axil and the tech pulled it out. I told him thank you and carried the cat to my car. I stoppped to get some things from Kroger and then went home. I called my boyfriend at the time and asked him to bring me some Waffle Steak. And once the food got there the cat went for everything. The eggs, the lettuce, everything on the plate. So I named her Miss Piggy. For those who know me there are is another reason. Piggy has been with me for over 7 1/2 years. She is the head of the household and everyone knows it. She wants what she wants and she will let you know if she wants to be bothered, If I am eatting ice cream or cereal, she knows it and heads straight for the bowl. She even knows when I am drinking a glass of milk or making tuna fish. I always give her the tuna juice. Lately we have been having some trouble with her paws, they are infected and the last treatment did not work, I hate cleaning the paws because it hurts her so much. She is a good cat, sneaking out every so often and it is not fun to track her down. She is missing one upper tooth beacuse she liked to purch on top of the door and jumped but she miss calculated. Let's see, she pees in the sink sometimes and that really ticks me off, the kids leave the water running at a drip for her to get water from the sink. I love this cat, she is my other baby. I have been feeling down these pasted couple of days and she has come over to get in my lap. She is a good cat and I am glad that she is part of our family.

Pictures By Morgyn