Saturday, January 30, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Worley Twins Baby Story

So there I was laying in a hospital bed having my kids get yelled at by a nurse because they were sitting on my bed. Oh was my husband mad at that. As time passed we had someone come and get the kids and then it was Danielle, Randy (her husband), and Chris (my husband). The RN who came in before the others checked me and it was funny because she yelped and when I asked her what was wrong she said she felt a hand, and that hand was grabbing for hers like she was greeting the RN. I was still dilating even after the shot the gave me to stop the contractions. They even had to give me a shot to help the twins lungs develop further along then they were.
Okay loosing track here. Seems like it was said if I dilated anymore then they were going to do the c-section. Chris asked the RN if they were going to deliver and then move the babies to another hospital or were they going to move all of us and deliver at the other hospital. She said that she would have to call the doctor and Chris told her they had better decide now. She came back with the ambulance will be there in 20 minutes.
So the EMT's arrived and I had to have Danielle ride with me because I hate ambulances and I didn't want to be alone. Chris was going to follow in his car and Randy in his. The ambulance ride was funny because we were talking about Face Book and Farm Town and how I needed Chris to take care of it. We discussed how addicting it was with Mafia Wars and I almost jumped for joy when they were discussing UNO. We made it to the other hospital and they put me in a really small room. Chris and Randy got there soon but I had to have Randy leave the room when they were going to examine me. Doctor said that if I kept on dilating and got to 5 cm then they were going to preform the c-section. To prepare for this they moved me to another room almost twice as big. They wanted to wait until the next day so that they could give me the second shot for the twins lungs. Nurse had to start an IV in my had and during the process I yelled out. She asked if it was me or her and I yelled "It Was You!" Everyone in the room laughed at that.
Chris had decided to go home and check on the animals and told me before he left to talk to the babies to say come out and meet us, I told him to do it because they seem to listen to him better. So he came over to me belly and told the little ones to come when they were ready. Needless to say he didn't make it over the bridge before Danielle had to call him back and tell him to get his butt back to the hospital. Doctor came in after he left and said that I was 6cm dilated and that they were going to prepare me for the c-section. Chris got back and I was so scared he would not but he did. They gave him the white suit and we wanted Danielle in there too but they would not let her because of all of the doctors and nurses who would be in there. She would not have been able to wear the suit anyways because she was wearing a skirt. So her and Randy waited.

They rolled me out of the room, bed and all and took me to the operating room.
Chris could not come in just yet because of all of the preparations. They sat me up and I held the nurses hands as they stuck the first needle in my back to numb the shot area, then the second numbing shot and finally the spinal block shot. I refused the epidural. Then they laid me back and began to put the catheter. I was upset when they said I could not use the bathroom, even though I really, really had to go, they said it was because I was so far along and they didn't want my water breaking in the process.

Okay so after they strapped my arms in and put up the sheet they let Chris come in. Man I was so, so happy to see him. They started the surgery and I could feel nothing, no tugging, no pressure, nothing. They told us everything they were doing and they we heard baby A was out, then she's peeing on momma, Maelyn Elizabeth 11:06 pm. They took her and Chris got up to get pictures and take a video. Then baby B was out and again she is peeing on momma, Haedyn Alexandria 11:07 pm.
I got to see them for about 30 seconds before they were rolled away. I didn't get to hold them, to love on them, to breast feed them, nothing, it was one of the worse things I have had happen to me. I held my other three but not these two precious girls. We were in separate hospitals divided by a walkway and my healing process. I had to go into recovery to make sure I came out of the spinal block OK. It was funny because I would tell the nurse, "Look at my feet, every time I could move them little." Chris made phone calls and I tried to talk to whoever I could but I was so doped up. They took me to my room and there I rested for the night. Uncomfortable because the drugs were wearing off.
Thank God for small miracles and that is what they were small miracles that have marked my heart forever. We didn't expect to become pregnant let alone be blessed with two girls. I didn't want to have girls but we don't always get what we want and now I can't think of what I would do without them. My precious Ruby's shining bright red from the love they are filled with.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Always In My Heart

© Tiffany Van Epps
It pains me to see you leave,
But I never forget what I've learned through the years we've gone through.
It hurts me to know,
After awhile you'll confide in someone else, not me.
I'll always be there for you,
Even after the end is heaven comes.
I'll always stay true to our bond as one and won’t ever let go.
You are my sister,
And my very best friend of all time,
It's so true.
We'll be that way even after the end has come for us.
You are a part of me,
And never will you ever leave my heart.
All the times we've shared,
Even when we didn't really care at all.
Don't let anyone take my place,
They'll never face or change our times together.T
he laughs,
The tears,
The fears,
They have built up through the years.
I'll never let us part,
Because you'll always have a special place in my heart.
Source: Sister, Always In My Heart, Sister Poems http://www.familyfriendpoems.com/family/poetry.asp?poem=485#ixzz0cpKZfCB9
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