Have you just had one of those nights where you just had to get out? You feel like you have been trapped forever inside the house and if you do not leave then you might explode. Wel I had to do that. So we got the kids dressed, jacketed up, and out the door. It was cold, well cool outside and I thought that taking them to the mall to the tree slide would be a good idea. Logan has not been good but he went with us, hey they all need to let loose some pent up energy. I let them play for 20 minutes and then we went off to explore the, mall. Chris was looking for a new calendar and I found three books on sale. One was the Grimms Fairy Tales. I really want to read this but am working on Wicked right now. After the mall we went to dinner at Tucker's.l We have not been there yet and it was a good experience.

Logan in the tree house getting ready to slide down. He likes to walk up the slide and try and climb the tree with Tristan.

Does he not look happy to be out of the house and playing at the mall?

Look a smile. I bet he thinks he can fly. Tristan like to climb on the fish, turtles, both small and large. He jumps from them. Brave little snot he is.

Logan posing and smiling. He likes to follow what Tristan does.

Morgyn begging to play longer. She thinks that those eyes and that smile can get her anything and everything she wants.

Look she actually has her shoes on the right feet.

Now this is priceless, Morgyn and her hamburger.


He is so thrill to have his picture taken with his momma.

Chris and Tristan enjoying their meal.

Here you go two beautiful ladies out with the men they love for a night of good fun and food. Hope that you all are having a good night and day. Take care of everyone and may love be in your hearts.
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