Thought that you were going to be a girl but you really suprised us. you turned out to be a really special boy. You came on your own. I guess you did not need that extra push.

Such a happy baby.

Me and My Honey.

Three's a Charm

Big and Little SIS

Chris getting ready for the balloon race.

Some of the kids needed an extra pop.

No one told them that the balloons were filled with shaving cream.

Shaving cream fight.

Stephen got covered. It was so funny.

Now they are throwing water balloons and water balls.

Peanut's Birthday cake. No chocolate allowed. He does not like chocolate cake but will eat brownies. I did sneak a little chocolate in the frosting though.


He just had to be a goofball.

Had to be a pink balloon.

Logan, blue and nothing else.

Tristan proud to have something to hold.

Austin, yellow to match his hat and shirt.

Almost looks like bubble gum.

I see you.

What the?
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