Thursday, October 11, 2007

First Tooth Lost

Here is Logan and his missing tooth. We are not sure if it came loose on it's own or if it happened when Tristan slammed Logan's head with the car door. Yeah that was a trip to the hospital, but only after Chris saw the blood on Logan's hand and on my neck. He is okay, nothing wrong with what they saw from the CAT Scan. He just had to have his head glued.
Okay on to the tooth. Logan was sick all last week and after he cried and cried over his ear hurting I quickly, and I mean quickly loaded everyone in the car and drove to the immediate care center. He had a cold and an ear infection. Well last night I had to take Morgyn over there.

When she gets sick she gets sick. I mean if she gets to throwing up the only thing that can help her is the emergency room and an IV. So between her runny nose, congestion, coughing, and high fever that I could not break, I want to be safe and not sorry. Well while there Logan was showing me his tooth and how it was loose. I played with it a little while and when we went to the exam room I took a tissue and pulled it out. It came out so clean and easy. I put it in my wallet and when I got home I put it in a little tooth fairy pot that a friend from Georgia (Em) gave me. I knew that one day it would come in handy.

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