To all of the ghouls and goblins out there, Happy Halloween. I hope all of you had a great day and that you candy gathering was safe and fun.

ARGH matie. Here is Logan. A pirate, missing tooth and all.

Tristan and all of his eye patch glory. I took back the original costumes and made these instead. For the cost of one premade costume I was able to get the items for the ones I put together. Chris helped me with the shirts and we were able to get everyone ready beore he went to work.
Look at him playing the part. There were alot of pirates out trick or treating and it we all had a good time. Alot of the home owners kept asking if they were twins though.

And we have the princess. I found this dress at Goodwill for 1.59. I got the wig at Wal-Mart, it was going to go with my costume but she looked better in it. With all of the accessories and stuff this costume cost less then 10 dollars. Everyone and I mean everyone loved her. She was so cute going around the saying trick or treat and running to the houses. She would not let me hold her bag for her or even her hand. Man she was sooooo stubborn. The home owners would let her pick a piece of candy out, but she would take one, then another, and another. I had to stop her. She got tired after awhile so we went down to the church to get a drink and try out the moon jumper and the inflatable slide.
Look how cute she is. Stuff like this really touches your heart.

So here I am. I got dresses in my blue renissance dress and high heels and headed out with the kids. This is the first time in awhile that I actually got made up. It made me feel really good to put on some make up and get outside in the cool air. We made it home to find that our candy bowl was not empty. So here is what the kids and I did. We waited for the next group of kids to come around and split the big bowl of candy up between all of them.

From us girls to all of you, we hope that your days are well and that you are enjoying the life that you have. May you and your families days be filled with love, laughter, and plenty of joy.
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