Sunday, October 21, 2007

Logan's Blanket

So here I am. I have been working on this blanket for awhile and mostly because I have put it aside and have not wanted to pick it up agin. It had started out to be a baby blanket but my babies are not babies. They are getting bigger and so must the blanket.
I am trying to get the dogs and Tristan off of my yarn. I have to fight with them to stay off the blanket as well. Logan keeps bugging me, "Momma is my blanket done?"

It is comming along nicely if I do say so myself.

See I told you that I could not lose them. Tristan is just curious and Payton is just looking for something to snuggle with. I am hoping to finish this before November, but this is me. I will be lucky is I finish the last 1/4 of it by Christmas. Which reminds me when I get the decorations out I want to post the tree blanket I made. I was so happy when I finish it. Besides Tristan's baby blanket it was one of the other projects that I actually finished.

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