Thursday, July 26, 2007

My Other Animals

Here are just a few of my lizards.

My yellow tailed Gecko. Don't let him fool you.
He is quick, and mean. He will bite you if he had
the chance. I have learned how to get out of a
bite without damage to the skin. I have the
chance here to learn about these animals. I am
surprised on some of the habits of them.

This is the tree frog Chris came in with last night.
He knows that I like having them in the house.
Sometimes at night he makes noises and it just
goes with the sound of the crickets so well. My
nature made radio.

And these are my toads. The thing that surprised
me is that I didn't know that they absorbed the
water through there skin. I found out that they
will be dry one minute and the next they become
wet. I did not know why this was happening until
I saw that they were eating their skin. Gross. They
do like to bury them selves and can stay under the
dirt for several days. I have to dig them out sometimes
to make sure they are not dead.
Some say that they cause warts, well I have been
handling them for 4 years and have not recieved

I love these pictures and am glad that they
actually came out.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Meet Samuel

This is Samuel. For those who know Chris found
him while test driving a new car. He asked me
if I wanted it and I told him of course. I love
animals and take them in whenever I have the
chance. I have never seen a turtle eat. It is a very
interesting thing to see. Samuel loves peaches.
He expands his neck and then turns his head to
the side with his mouth wide open. I was amazed
that I had ro call Chris over to see. Samuel is not
fond of the water but I see him in it every once in
awhile. When I wake up I see him with his neck
extended toward the light. One of these days I
will take him outside to get real sunlight. Man he
is really cool.

Sleepy Time

Time for a nap.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Crazy Kids

Here are the kids and their nephew clowning

How cute!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Two of my blankets

These are just two of the blankets that I have
been working on. I have not been able to finish
them yet. This would look good on my couch.

This one I have been working on for years.
The yarn is so thin that you think you are
almost done with it and the yarn just goes
on and on. It was suppose to be several babies
blankets but it just did not make it to there cribs.
Maybe I can finish it for Morgyn before her birthday.
What am I thinking, by Christmas or her 4th.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

My Family

My family, Chris and I, my adorable kids, the princess "Morgyn", sweetpea "Tristan" and peanut "Logan". They make my days special and full of joy. I hope that you all hold your family close and enjoy them everyday.

Our Dogs

Say hi to all of my dogs, Payton, Roxy, Saber, and Wiggles. Aren't they so cute.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Have a Great Summer.

Just wanted to say hi to everyone. I hope that your summer is going well and that you are enjoying this time with your kids. School is just around the corner so take the time and have fun, find some new adventures to involve the family with. Travel out to somewhere besides your backyard. Take and be careful.
Lots of Love

My New Car.

Here is me and my new car. The kids really love the extra room, and I love that it drives like a truck. You can see my UGA magnets, can not go anywhere without them. Chris has one to match but his is metallic grey. Now we have room for all the entire family and more. Look out, the first traveling destination is coming soon.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Happy Independence Day

Just a few pictures from our neighborhood festivities. The fireworks were really enjoyable, the kids really liked it. Sometimes it was a little loud for the kids but they cheered all of them with enthusiasm. It got smokey and some of the ambers blew our way so we went in after awhile. We hope that you had a blast on this Independence Day.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

April 9th, 2007

This was a very happy day for both of us. I swear that my maid of honor was more nervous then I was. I laughed through the entire thing, I was nervous, but so much in love. Chris is a great man and I really got lucky with this one. It was a good day, the kids had fun and with family and friends there it was a special time.

Not Trash.

Meet Garfield. I found this guy outside my home eating from my garbage, so what did I do....? I took him in. He has grown big over the months and tries to be the man of the house, but Piggy shows him who is the real boss.....her. And to her I am the boss. He gets along with the kids and I catch him occasionally sleeping at their feet or next to their head. Sometimes I wonder who could just throwout something so sweet.

Apple Doesn't Fall Far......

She is one of my kids that likes to make you laugh. She makes faces, imitates her momma dancing, and is just so happy. She makes my day everyday.

Sleeping in Peace.

Sometimes I wish that I could sleep this sound. If you are a mom then you know that it is just fun to watch your kids sleep. It gives you a relaxing feeling to know that hey the day is over and even though it might have been a stressful day, now it's not. I love this one, finally a little girl to love.

So Young, So Innocent.....

Man it is fun just to take a picture and capture the innocence of a child. Morgyn is a great joy, she has her moments , but is so sweet and good hearted. Everyday you can see her mom and dad in her, but you can also see her own personality rising to the surface.