Saturday, January 5, 2008

Birthday Rodeo

So just as the year before I was wondering what to do for my birthday. And just like last year the rodeo came to town. It is really just bull riding and I am not sure why I like it, I just do.
Morgyn in all of her happy glory.
Cotton Candy....Yummy. Pink, pink, and more pink.
Rodeo clown Just some of the cowboys. The camera was not working well. I tried to shoot wiht the flash but they came out too dark. I tried without the flash and they were blurry. So I did the best I could and what came out came out.

Simulating a bull and the rider.

Logan had alot of fun at this event. He was hooting and hollaring. He was even throwing and waving his hat in the air.
This clown was so funny. Besides comming out in this horse head he came out with a cop fat suit that showed his new crack. This guy is one reason to go to the PBR along with the bulls who throw the cowboys in just a few seconds. There were a few that went a stray and only three cowboys got hurt but they all walked away. The music got alot of the kids up and dancing. It was alot of fun until the kids got tired. It was time to go, yes I wish that I could have stayed longer but they needed to get home. Maybe they will be back again next year.

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