Thursday, October 29, 2009

Stupid Laws from Canada

It is illegal for a man to drink with a woman in an Edmonton beer parlor in (Alberta.)

It is unlawful to throw snowballs or set off firecrackers within the city, without the authorization of the mayor or City Council. (Calgary)

All bicycle riders must signal with the arm before making a turn, and a bicycle rider must keep both hands on the handlebars at all times" ( Edmonton.)

In Canada, It is illegal for a teen to walk down main street with their shoes untied. (Fort Qu'Appelle)

It is illegal to try and catch fish with your hands (Saskatoon.)

You are not allowed to saw wood on the streets, or wash your automobile in (Toronto.)

Theater owners are forbidden to start a movie that will end after 2 am. (Toronto.)

You are not allowed to play a musical instrument in a park in (Windsor, Ontario)

A by-law forbids anyone from striking the sidewalk with a metal object (Winnipeg)

It is against the law to go naked in your own home if you leave the blinds up. (Winnipeg)

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